The diamond is not only Earth’s hardest gemstone but is also our hardest mineral.  Its sparkle and fire have made it one of the most prized gemstones in the world.  Pure, colorless diamonds cut into a variety of faceted shapes are certainly the most popular, but today raw diamonds are finding their way into favor, as are colored diamonds ranging from yellow (so called “canary diamonds”) and brown to green, blue, pink, red, gray and black.  Their colors are derived from the trace presence of other minerals within diamond crystals, and are usually amplified by applying heat to the stones.  Diamonds boast a Mohs hardness of 10 and have a cubic crystal structure.   They form at high temperatures and pressures more than 50 miles underground. Although South Africa became the highest producer of diamonds in 1870, Australia is currently the main producer, with other significant mines in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Zaire, Botswana, the US and Brazil.

We share your concern for the impact of the diamond trade in places where the stones are mined.  Most of the diamonds that Global Pathways uses are reclaimed from older pieces of jewelry, but all of the newer stones imported into the US since 2000 are subject to the Kimberley Certification process and are declared by their countries of origin to be conflict-free.

Metaphysical:    Diamond is April’s birthstone.  It is said to impart fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude.  It clears emotional and mental pain, reducing fear and bringing about new beginnings.  Stimulates creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity.  It brings clarity of mind and aids enlightenment.  Spiritual practitioners believe it works with the crown chakra and is sacred to the planet Venus.